For Collectors


Owning a piece of art has always been a source of great sensuality. Owning a piece of digital art further deepens your connection with the artist. Moreover, it makes it possible for more people to collect different type of art – from visual artwork to music.

The blockchain technology enables us to buy any type of digital art of proven provenance. However, there are now thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, artists who create and sell pieces of digital art on tens of NFT platforms. Sometimes the sheer number of new artists and artworks can be overwhelming. That is why we are founding a Collectors Club.

Our goal is to arm our members with the most powerful weapon – knowledge. We provide regular updates, access to the latest news, offerings and developments of the burgeoning NFT market. If you become a member of our exclusive NFT Collectors Club, you will not only receive news but will also be able to communicate with the artists we represent as well as other collectors and experts in the field.

Let’s Work Together

Join our growing family of digital art owners!